About Us

Welcome to Health Oasis,

a place to find your health, beauty, and wellbeing!

Health Oasis is a company that will put You in the center of our wellbeing universe. We want to hear your Ideas, your Concerns, and your Expectations. Feel free to contact us, ask any question, share your experience, and tell us what you need. Dedicating time to you and listening to your needs is one of the core principles of ways we work.
We want to support you in finding the right doctor and the right treatment option as quickly as possible.
Treatment should not be just a treatment, it should be a holistic experience that will improve your wellbeing.

We also offer Independent Patient Advocacy in UAE: In case you already have in mind what treatment you prefer and who would be your doctor or you have chosen your Clinic. You will be accompanied by a medical doctor who will make sure all relevant information is shared with you, so you can make an informed decision.

In Health Oasis we believe that treatment, that will not benefit the patient, is overtreatment, and therefore we are strict about it. Each patient deserves to be well educated about all treatment options, outcomes, benefits, complications, and side effects, so he or she can make a fully informed and educated decision.

It is absolutely unethical you get a treatment that was presented to you only because your doctor practices that particular treatment option or he/she will earn more if you accept the treatment. Sometimes, the most expensive option may not be the best option for you or even compatible with your lifestyle or work. This is often a case with sportsmen who are, quite often, offered surgical procedures that will end their carrier but were not offered other types of treatments that could work too.